The Ceremony Site

The Ceremony Site
Amnicon Falls Covered Bridge

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Many Thanks!

Thanks to everyone who came to our wedding! It was a great time, and we really appreciated celebrating with everyone. Thank you notes are on the way! We were so lucky to have such great family and friends to spend the day with, and the weather was happily very cooperative.

On a side note: the bicycle bells on the table were not party favors--only the massage creams were. We only have three bells left. I hate to ask it, but if you took a bell, and you are still reading this blog (and you live in the area), we would really appreciate it if you would please get them back to us. We were going to use them for the post-wedding reception this coming Sunday (October 11th). 3 are not enough for what the plan was.

Thanks much! Other posts about the reception to follow soon!