The Ceremony Site

The Ceremony Site
Amnicon Falls Covered Bridge

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Devil is in the Details

Details, Schmetails. The nit-picky stuff is the worst. By details, I mean clothes. I hate clothes. I hate clothes shopping. I hate trying to find stuff that looks right on my body type and with my skin tone. Now, try doing that for 4 people, none of whom are even in the same size range.

I have my dress. RJ has his outfit. The "maids" are going to wear black dresses of their choosing (minus micro-mini skirts). However, the men need some sort of comfy, not-too-formal shirt. Try finding that for a 2X Long guy, a L to XL tall guy, an average sized male, and a broad-shouldered woman. Yea. And they all need to be about the same color & style. Right.

Oh well. At least I have some other details worked out. If you are checking this blog, take a look to the right, and you will see a link to Details for Wedding Go-ers. This will give you the run down of times, places, directions, etc. We will add more later as things come up. But for now, this should give you a general idea of the run down. I highly recommend making a weekend out of it; the area is a treasure-trove of fun and games!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Andrea and RJ on your engagement! Thanks for the Save the Date card. Sounds like you're going to have a beautiful wedding. :-) p.s. Cycling rocks!

